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Lilys digital portfolio
Capcut: Editing
What is Capcut?:
Capcut is a free video editing app that allows you to create and edit videos easily. It's good because it offers a wide range of features and tools, making it accessible for beginners and more advanced users. You can add effects, filters, music, and more to make your videos look professional.
Why I used Capcut:
I used Capcut because its the app I am most familiar with. It has a good variety of audios/sound effects but also has animations and transitions that are really simple and easy to use. I would of liked to use different apps like after effects but I found it would be better and more efficient if I used an app I was more familiar with otherwise I would be wasting more time
With this app I found it was really handy that I could easily edit the video and audio at the same time so I was able to slow down the video, speed it up or even duplicate scenes so it properly fit the audio.

When making my audio, I wanted a mixture of speech and background sound effects so when producing this I used narakeet, which is a text to speech app where you can use a variety of voices. I ended up using the Daphne (child) voice for my voiceovers because it was the perfect fit for my Pigeon. I find this website can be helpful towards people who struggle with their speech or just would like a practice voice for their animation or in this case a voice for my 7yr old pigeon as I don't know anyone of that age that would of been able to voice it. When actually using this app I copy and pasted the script I made but had to make some alterations because the voice ended up cracking or didn't fit the amount of clips I had. Following on, to make my background sounds I used Capcuts search bar in sound effects, I decided on forest/birds sounds and overlapped it with the sound of cars driving which I found was very effective. I then added swish sound effects for some of the scenes when it transitioned onto another scene.
Font used: Quicksand
When picking my font, I wanted it to be bubbly but also easy to read so I ended up choosing Quicksand which is a bold font with curved edges. Not only does it make the text easier to read but it also makes the voice seem more friendly. Although when using the text without the speech bubble, I had to add a black stroke around it but make the text white as it made it more visible instead of blending into the background.
For my transitions, I didn't use as many as I thought I would (including animations). I ended up using black fade in between scenes so it actually looked like they were making a little movie set each time instead of making it look like I was reusing a scene. For the text transition, each one was a fade in and fade out for the text inside the bubbles but then used Type 1 text when the text was on the scene to give the illusion that they are still talking.
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